Words are powerful, yet meaningless if they are not backed up by genuine concern, sincere interest, daily deliberate sharing of your time, effort, and thoughts. Investing time, substance, and heart into your relationship is necessary. It is the same with your relationship with God. How much time do you spend with Him? Are you going as deep as you could go?  DRAW NEAR TO GOD AND HE WILL DRAW NEAR TO YOU.

Very little is accomplished without prayer.

Over the years I've asked couples ARE YOU PRAYING TOGETHER? Nine times out of ten the answer is NO. Praying together invites the Prince of Peace to come in and guard your hearts and lives and give you divine insight into the details of your lives and interactions with one another. Whoever said, "If you are desiring to lay down your life for her, it is only prudent that you inquire and petition the One who created her. Otherwise, you will be lacking wisdom and understanding and direction." That guy knew what he was talking about.

I would like to exhort all of you to RISE UP! LOVE WILL.  Love will stop being lazy, half-hearted, disinterested, cheap, and unthoughtful. It is critical that you take some action for the cultivation of your intimacy with your spouse, and for your children sake, spend time in prayer, to be an example at all times. Many are influenced by you daily, by what you do and do not do. So please do what you should have done long ago. Ask and You shall receive. Ask for wisdom in your relationships. The Lord can teach any man or woman who is humble in heart and who is willing to ask for help. This generation needs to see an example of true intimacy who is willing to RISE UP and LOVE WELL.


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