"O LORD OUR LORD, HOW EXCELLENT IS THY NAME IN ALL THE EARTH! WHO HAST SET THY GLORY ABOVE THE HEAVENS. OUT OF THE MOUTH OF BABES AND SUCKLINGS HAST THOU ORDAINED STRENGTH BECAUSE OF THINE ENEMIES, THAT THOU MIGHTEST STILL THE ENEMY AND THE AVENGER." Psalm 8:1-2 There have been times when circumstances have seemed almost too much, life can be overwhelming. A child or a baby will look at me and smile, and at that moment I am reminded of the power of God and His great love for me as His child. When children open their little mouths and speak the unexpected, the most innocent, precious words; the enemy is stilled... I think it is a possibility that we can be looking all over for the blessings of God and not see the very ones He has already given. God help us not to overlook the children in our lives. Help us to be obedient in caring for them, in praying for them, in being thankful for the honor of temporarily being a part of their lives. Thank You God for using them to grow us ...