
Showing posts from January 31, 2010


Wilberforce wrote, "I find that books alienate my heart from God as much as anything. I have been framing a plan of study for myself, but let me remember but one thing is needful, that if my heart cannot be kept in a spiritual state without so much prayer, meditation, Scripture reading, etc., as are incompatible with study, I must seek first the righteousness of God. Everything was to be surrendered for his spiritual advance. I fear that I have not studied the Scriptures enough. Surely in the summer recess I ought to read the Scriptures an hour or two every day, besides prayer, devotional reading and meditation. God will prosper me better if I wait on Him. The experience of all good Christians shows that without constant prayer and watchfulness the life of God in the soul stagnates. I would look up to God to make the means effectual. I fear that my devotions are too much hurried, that I do not read Scripture enough. I must grow in grace; I must love God more; I must feel the power...


Wicked is not cool. I'm just the dictionary. Read the Word of God with a magnifying glass or binoculars, do a word search on Might shed some light on just about everything that we welcome into our thoughts so passively every day of our lives. Compromising can be addictive and subtle huh? Little by little and before you know it - it owns you. Influencing every area of your life, directing your choices, keeping you from true devotion. "I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes..." Psalm 101:3 Yes, I understand that this is a new millenium. I also realize that there is nothing new under the sun. Humanity worships all sorts of things. Worship is adoring reverence or regard for any person or thing. If we are not retaining The Word of God it our minds, or making it a habit to frequently think about and put into action the truth of what we have already learned --- It is quite a possibility that it has become easier for us to adopt and embrace t...