
Showing posts from January 26, 2011


Praise God for His word! Without His word we are lost. Without the Holy Spirit we are without true discernment and understanding of His word. We might have a limited knowledge, but without the Holy Spirit enabling us we have zero power to apply the whole truth to our lives and circumstances. I was having dinner with a friend last week. Our conversation started out with a short discussion on divine order. How necessary it is for us to grasp the simple basics of the gospel that we might know our place, and function properly as a member of the whole Body of Christ. If you're feeling lost or overwhelmed, LOVE is a good place to start. It is a good measuring line when you are examining yourself to see if you are still in the faith. The specific details we were tossing around over a ceasar salad was:  an individual not providing for his own family. The divine order that God has set up is MAN as a husband and father, protector, provider, and head of his household. WO...