WAKE UP! WAKE UP! There is no snooze button for the Child of God. We cannot afford to sleep away the day or pretend that things are different than they are. It is time to engage, to be unafraid, to step it up, stop hiding, get it in gear, and move on with the aggressive endurance and faithfulness of an OVERCOMER..."FOR THOUGH WE LIVE IN THE WORLD, WE DO NOT WAGE WAR AS THE WORLD DOES. THE WEAPONS WE FIGHT WITH ARE NOT THE WEAPONS OF THE WORLD. ON THE CONTRARY, THEY HAVE DIVINE POWER TO DEMOLISH STRONGHOLDS." II Corinthians 10:3-4 (PRAY WARRIORS PRAY!!) Think of Daniel, praying three times a day, tossed to the lions, friends in the fire, and LIVE FOREVER OH KING! My God has delivered me and shut the mouths of the lions. Gideon, the weakest of all his people, told by the angel of the Lord he is a man of valour. Encouraged by the Lord to go take a listen in the enemy's camp, overheard them speaking of a dream they had, worshiped the Lord and took a few men, clay pots, trumpe...