
Showing posts from March 11, 2008


But Jesus said, Leave the children alone! Allow the little ones to come unto me, and do not forbid them, for SUCH IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. (Matthew 19:14) My friend Jada just turned four years old a few days ago. I remembered a day after her birthday to call her. Very forgiving that I missed her special day she said, "Are you coming over? Come Quickly! I am about to go to bed. If we are not home when you get there, just wait by the door." She is confident that I am on my way to her. What she did not know is that I was at least eight hours (driving time) away, and was not planning on coming back for at least a few more days. True Friends have a way of letting you know they love you by communicating their heart even when time is short and they may not have all the details. As a child, I remember thinking about my True Friend coming for me. As an adult, I am just as confident in knowing He is on His way to me...even now. Matthew 18:3 And he said: "I tell you the truth, un...