
Showing posts from November 5, 2008


This is a test. Can you not see it? In whom is your hope? Where is your faith? Are you firmly planted on the ROCK CHRIST JESUS? Then you cannot and will not be shaken or put to shame. Be glad. Rejoice. Give thanks. Greater is He within you than he that is in the world! DAILY CHOICES DETERMINE MORE THAN WHAT WE MIGHT REALIZE. THE EFFECTUAL FERVANT PRAYERS OF THE RIGHTEOUS MAN AVAILETH MUCH. WATCH AND PRAY. Saints of GOD, I tell you TAKE HEART. Just as Jesus said, that in the last days evil would wax worse and worse. There will be tribulation in this world, but take heart! Take heart! He has overcome the world. Some of the beginnings of actual tribulation is when you decide not to be silent in the presence of evil. If you stand up for the truth and are unashamed for righteousness --- YOU WILL BE PERSECUTED. Fear not, for the Lord your God is with you and He is mighty to save and strong to deliver. Get down on your knees, on your face, and cry out to God for wisdom on how to live and be s...