Praise be to God for keeping me alert and awake on my drive home from about midnight until noon today. I was thinking about how significant the traffic in our life is even though we are tuned out to our surroundings most of the time. Not only do we spend so much time thinking about where we are going, but we miss so much scenery on the way there because of our preoccupation with what's next. We get in pointless arguments about the directions instead of trusting God and looking at the map. We are eye witnesses to wrecks and tragedies and dilemmas everday of our lives. Most of the time we do not stop to see if we can be of assistance or we do not use our immediate resources to benefit others (prayer is powerful). We have no idea who is next to us, behind us, in front of us, but we keep forging ahead and pressing on, striving to make progress and get to where we are going. If some one messes up as we are travelling down the road, we yell at them or honk our horn and think to ourselves...