
Showing posts from February 22, 2010


Over the years I have listened to people here and there talking about "Living a life of faith." I have observed that some misunderstand what that means exactly. Sometimes it may be our human nature to blindly follow the example of others we respect, without realizing all the details necessary to accomplish the goal. So we go on and try to immitate the ones who have gone before us, not understanding that they spent hours in prayer and took great risk to do those things that were pleasing to God. We fall into error and cause others to do the same when we fail to retain the knowledge of God in our minds, and when our motivation to "live a life of faith" is something other than pleasing the One who has called us into His glorious light. No where in scripture that I am aware of does it tell us not to work. There is a passage of scripture in Matthew that talks about the birds of the air and the flowers of the field neither sowing nor reaping, and their Heavenly Father tak...