
Showing posts from July 23, 2010


So thankful to God for my friends and family that encourage me to eat right and make wise decisions based off of scientific studies and trial and error. Very thankful for the people who have given me material to consider, videos to watch, and products to try (whole food based nutrients). In all of this I have seen such dedication. Even in this I think we could all stand to be challenged to make certain that we are looking always only to the source of our life and breath. He alone is able to take down and raise up. He alone turns water to wine. He alone provides the wine and the bread. He is still speaking, "PEACE, BE STILL" in the midst of the storms of our lives. There is only one person who has made me an offer I cannot refuse. There is only one that has gone the distance and paid the price. Only one that has gone through hell to rescue me and redeem my life. Only one that does not shrink back and speaks the truth to his own hurt. Though He has gone to pre...