
Showing posts from November 1, 2009


Without the Word of God as your have mumbo jumbo, wishy washy, unstable in all your ways, carelessness, passiveness, unwilling and unable to stand up for the truth. Quite frankly --- people's lives that revolve around themselves are enemies of the truth by choice. God is a God of order, not confusion. Without truth we are lost. Truth is not what you make it or how you perceive it. Even though alot of your life is the outcome of your perception. That is why God says for us to stay our minds on Him to renew our minds in His word. To guard our hearts above all things for out of it flows the wellspring of life. The enemy's goal is to kill your heart. Sure he'd prefer to have you dislike yourself so much that you are numb and seeking stabilizers that are not really able to stabilize you at all. The truth is the tranquilizer we all need. The truth sets us free. Living in a delusional state of mind gets old fast. It hurts less to face the facts and deal with whateve...