How can the older teach the younger, if the older folks don't begin to take some steps towards maturity themselves? Some people are in a forty or fifty year old body, but their maturity level is not a day past ten years old. Let's face it. Immaturity strikes again, day after day, all over the place. Why? Because we refuse to face the issues, we avoid the facts and conflicts, and this has been the habit since our youth. It's what we are used to so we just keep on going in that same mentality, immaturity. Maturity comes when we make ourselves vulnerable, when we are willing to pass through whatever might be coming. It is good to face difficulty and conflict. Overcome the obstacles and deal with the problems and hardships of everyday real life. Then you will begin to get a taste of what mature adults must grow through. A part of growing up is taking responsibility, wrestling through the good and bad, and patiently enduring and attempting to comprehend people, personalities, si...