Does your heart live or is it burried under the paperwork on your desk? Is it hiding behind all you are striving to be? Did it wave goodbye in the 9-5 of the daily grind? Does your heart live? Really live. Every day you are making a choice to use what you have been given. Are you barely hanging on? Wondering why you're here? Are you longing for something more, but fear of the unknown keeping you down? Does your heart live? "THE MEEK SHALL EAT AND BE SATISFIED: THEY SHALL PRAISE THE LORD THAT SEEK HIM: AND YOUR HEART SHALL LIVE FOR EVER." Psalm 22:26 There is no good thing outside of Him who created all things. Alot of the frustrations we meet with on a daily basis is due mostly to our overlooking the simple truth... what we SEEK we will find. No ones journey is the same. So maybe we should stop comparing ourselves to others. There is no one like you. God made you for His glory. Why not ask the One who made ...