
Showing posts from January 15, 2020


I can see clearly now the rain is gone...and HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDE ... I am slowly but surely getting there. I have not been in any position to write updates like I would have liked too. That's ok. I am embracing some new normals and thanking God for every drop of mercy and grace and going forward that is happening. HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL!


2019 came and went. Changes happened. I found myself again. Or I should say I found the me that I love and enjoy being. It is more than just a great name, Marcie Mayo. I respect and love her and I am proud of her and glad to see how much growth is taking place. It makes me smile to hear my name again. Real hugs are powerful. True friends are few and far away. Closed some chapters. Began some new ones. Thankful, so thankful for the OPEN ROAD before me and my precious little ones.