
Showing posts from March 7, 2009


Dear Friends, It’s no mystery the world is experiencing tremendous times of uncertainly, “That’s just life when you’re in the dark!!!” I’m thinking this must be the greatest hour of opportunity to help people see clearly. Many are depressed and trouble with the global meltdown, but if we stand firm on the rock of truth we will not be affected by the economic shake down. A one world order is about to be established just as the Bible has proclaimed. The leader of this new world order will come with great fame to the world. His true name will be none other than the Antichrist. The final pieces of the puzzle are now being put into place if you can’t see the big picture yet, it only because you chose to be ignorant (2 Thes. 2:10,11). When we live in darkness we cannot see, Jesus has come to give us the light of life and liberty. This world is spell bound in sin but if any man wants to know the truth Jesus will come and help him. We serve an awesome God!!! There will be no escape for those w...