Look to God's word to know your true worth. Do not entertain the serpent's voice in your mind by quesioning the commandments of God. Compromise never makes you wiser. Do not listen to the liar. The longer you skirt around an issue, or flirt with pride, the weaker your determination gets. Idle/idol thinking will lead you astray, to buying into the lie, just like eve did. ATTEND TO GOD'S WORD. Attend to, constantly pay attenion, do not forget it. Fast your thoughts for a day. What you normally let occcupy your mind, don't. Bring every thought into obedience, take it captive. You cannot afford to be absent minded. Stay your mind on Him, the Author and Finisher of your faith, perfect peace you will have. The fretting, worrying, wondering off, and self pre-occupation in your mind is not for The King's Daughter. The beauty of His Holiness and character is selfless love. Beside Him, there is no other. " The king's daughter is all glorious within ..." Psalm 4...