FORGET ME NOT
FORGET ME NOT is a brand of greeting cards, but it is also the instruction on how to FEAR GOD and DEPART FROM EVIL written over and over again in the book of Proverbs. A father encouraging his son to not forget what he says. To remember his words. To write them on his heart. Keep them ever before his eyes. Seek God and Live. BUT THE PATH OF THE JUST IS AS THE SHINING LIGHT, THAT SHINETH MORE AND MORE UNTO THE PERFECT DAY. MY SON, ATTEND TO MY WORDS; OPEN YOUR EARS TO WHAT I AM SAYING. LET THEM NOT DEPART FROM YOUR EYES; KEEP THEM IN THE VERY CENTER OF YOUR HEART. FOR THEY ARE LIFE UNTO THOSE THAT FIND THEM, AND HEALTH TO ALL THEIR FLESH. KEEP YOUR HEART WITH ALL DILIGENCE; FOR OUT OF IT ARE THE ISSUES OF LIFE. PUT AWAY FROM YOU A STUBBORN MOUTH, AND DISOBEDIENT LIPS PUT FAR AWAY FROM YOU. LET YOUR EYES LOOK RIGHT ON, AND LET YOUR EYELIDS LOOK STRAIGHT BEFORE YOU. Proverbs 4:18-25