What do your relationships consists of? Surface conversations or true communication? Quality time or "things to do"? What can you really say you know about the people you call family and friends? Individually or Collectively? What is the motive behind the questions you ask anyway? Ingredients are important. Thankfulness is a good ingredient to life and relationships. No artificial ingredients. Sharing with love makes any recipe so much better than it would have been. Serving something up with no thought can be quite tasteless and bland. We are to do all that we say, do, and think as UNTO THE LORD. Restoration comes when we are simply obedient even in the small things. Love is Obedience to God. Obeying God is loving Him with all we are (by hating what is evil) and loving our neighbor as ourself, and this is the main ingredient of the Christian life. "BUT TO DO GOOD AND TO COMMUNICATE FORGET NOT: FOR WITH SUCH SACRIFICES GOD IS WELL PLEASED." Hebrews 13:16