1 Timothy 4:7 " Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales ; rather, train yourself to be godly." Do not build your life on anything else but the Word of God, because everything else is sand. What the hell are you doing? Fortune telling, signs, & lucky stars...you say that's all they are. Bologna. If you are depending on those 'readings' to tell you what your next lucky move will be...it is the Lord of your life. It owns you. There is a reason why we are told to HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH it. The longer you dabble in that seemingly harmless but exceedingly addictive little activity, the more and more it weaves itself into every area of your life. Renounce it, burn it, get rid of it, repent for giving the enemy a place in your life. Godless means without God. According to Galatians 5 those who live like this (idolatry and witchcraft) will not inherit the Kingdom of God. "The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurit...