"Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God." Psalm 50:23 When we have company over or friends come to visit it is the usual practice to prepare a place for them. Prepare a meal, prepare a place to sit or rest, remove old or unecessary things and set out things that are fitting and that will be of good use to the guests. Do we prepare our hearts daily for the Lord? Do we give or offer thanks and praise? Do we search our hearts, our homes, our belongings, and see if there is anything that is not pleasing to him and remove it at once? Should we not prepare ourselves for His dwelling? Above all things we should consider Him. He is a great God and worthy to be praised and adored. He deserves all of our attention and more than just any guests --- He is to be honored.