
Showing posts from April 13, 2008


Beware of feel gooders and do gooders. . . lest you seek that which is not wisdom and follow after that which is not truth. Remember it was the serpent that tempted the woman to question what God had clearly commanded for their good. Listening to the serpent lead to the curse of all mankind. (Thank God for Jesus who has redeemed us from the curse...) The path is not broad but narrow. Open mindedness could prove to be nothing more than eloquent ignorance. Those who think they can create their own path, or believe that they are wiser than God, or that they can be their own god...will soon find that having some form (which ever suits you best) spirituality is nothing more than a 'feeling.' Call it whatever you want to, but it is not the way to eternal life. "God's word is forever established in heaven..." Psalm 119:89 "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death." Psalm 14:12 Many many years ago I attended an Intervarsity Bibl...