EXCEPT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD we would all continue on in our blindness to the obvious. Thank God for true friends who will challenge us to hold up our lives to the light of God's pure word. Love rebukes and chastens... Reality check. What is it going to take to wake up to the truth? To stop being prentenders, fakes, liars. What good do you think comes from 'acting' like everything is alright, when in truth it is not? Can you call yourself a lover of God, if you do not do what pleases Him? Plastic people wear counterfeit smiles and all the while ignore the very things that need to be dealt with. I caution you to realize you need to be questioning yourself and your motives, because if you do not--- you will cause others to stumble and fall into a ditch. Why would you attend classes and bible studies, hide behind "the ministry," but then inwardly and to those closest to you behave like doctor insano? All the while you are not talking to certain persons (holding someth...