Daniel our second eldest son was studying the Greeks in history. He was telling me how they got so good at math they started to worship it and when that happened they never got any better as they only thought they could get to a certain point. Would that describe modern worship? Now without heading in all sorts of directions with this I want to mention one area. We approach God through our ability and methods. But how would it be if we just WERE. Let me explain a little we worship the great I AM the bible says and in my limited sphere of understanding I am starting to know that if I am in the great I AM then I must just BE. If I am trying to be, trying to achieve, or trying to please then in reality, anything or any place I am trying to be or get to is based more in me than in the great I AM. I hear someone say so what we sit on our sofa and BE and in response I would suggest you remove yourself from getting my emails I am only going to aggravate you. What I am trying to express...