Have you been promoting the " Well, I don't want to be a hypocrite...." excuse? One of two things are operating in you by continually adding this to your conversation. 1) Guilt because you really are a hypocrite. 2) Compromise because you are not making an effort to know what is pleasing to God, and instead you cave into the pressures of whoever you are wanting to be approved of. "If you know what is right to do an do not do it, it is sin." James 4:17 At the opposite end ... most people that listen to that whisper, "don't want to be a hypocrite" allow that to disable them and render them ineffective. Being quiet and not standing up for the truth when given the opportunity is a sad thing. You know the longer you approve of the wrong things, the more likely you will accept it for something it is not. It is not ok. The truth is what it has always been, it is not about to change for you or anyone else. The truth is not relative, it's not what you...