Be forwarned: this writing is not to insight condemnation, though it should cause you to examine the truth about where exactly you are on your journey right now. Redeeming or squandering time. Little by little laziness or compromise can creep in. Without really noticing if you are not staying alert you can wonder out of the way. Taking step after step and not paying attention to the path your feet are taking. Maybe you've been doing it for so long it has become too familiar...wondering around lost. Forgetting to be thankful. Neglecting to set your sights on the real goal. Figuring eventually you will stumble into your destiny. (Stop reading romance novels and watching soap operas. The real world needs you back.) What are you using for a map and compass? Do you even know how to use them properly? Are you guessing? Yikes! Others could be following you thinking you know what the right way is... alot of people fake it. All the while leadings others straight into a ditch. If you want t...