Over the last few years, I have heard the term "soaking" used in conversation relating to certain Christian gatherings. In this past year I have had a small handful of people ask me what I thought about it. Truthfully, my reply would be more like a question to their question. What do you think it's about? Where is it in the Bible? (and cannot help but smile) Wonder if Jesus had time for such things in a twenty four hour day after feeding the multitude, healing the sick, raising the dead? His clothes were probably 'soaking' in blood, sweat, and tears in the garden of gethsemane as he cried out to His Father, "NOT MY WILL BUT THINE BE DONE!" The actual word, soaking in the dictionary means fully emersed in liquid. To my knowledge the only thing we need to be absorbing or taking in is the pure Word of God. If you are not praising God and seeking to do His word in the secret place, in the privacy of your own home, then I am not sure what purpose it serves to...