
Showing posts from October 26, 2009


"Under three things the earth trembles, under four it cannot bear up: ... an unloved woman who is married ..." Proverbs 30:21-24 Do any of you know a married woman that is unloved? How about the woman you are married to? Is she confident of your love for her? Does she know that you love her or is she constantly trying to work for or gain something that you are unwilling to give? Having relational problems? Are all the distractions keeping you from determination of pursuing and following through? Is your mind somewhere else? Do you give all that you want to receive? If you do not like the way things are going, change it. If you are not sure how, ask GOD. It is up to you to LEAD DEEPER INTO LOVE. Get to it MAN OF GOD!! Make your move.. go deeper.. lead on!