VANITY. Plagues the world. Every age group. The other day I was driving down the road listening to a radio program that was giving the stats on how much money people spend on cosmetics and hair styling products and haircuts. As if that was not disturbing enough, they began talking about how much money is spent on girls under 13 years old on the same thing. Due to sixty second commercials that these little ones and all of the public view, they are impacted enough to go and spend and spend some more to try to become more beautiful or more desirable or more something. ENTERTAINMENT. Unless you live in the mountains (and one day, Lord willing I will) entertainment means constant television, video games, hand held devices, and distractions of all kinds. If we were to take a step back and look at our lives and how we spend our time, it is very sad. Screens and programs replace the people in our lives. Genuine conversation is rare. If ever we do spend time with people it is talking about the ...