
Showing posts from March 30, 2008


Wherever Jesus went people knew about it. Entire cities came out to meet him. He left a mark. He healed. He had compassion. He fed the hungry. He forgave the guilty. He raised the dead. His life gave glory and honor to God. If you are following Jesus, if you are loving Jesus, your life will be leaving a mark that speaks of His unfailing love. What is your life speaking to others? When you come in a house it should be better just because you came. If there are dishes to be done, trash to be taken out, laundry to fold, things to be dusted, floors to be cleaned...leave a mark. If someone is heavy hearted or overwhelmed by the time you leave they should be encouraged and uplifted and ready to face whatever comes...just because you spoke life and truth to them. Let your life glorify your heavenly Father. "For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake....