I believe you might agree with me that though our culture boast of 'freedom of speech,' there is alot that is not being said that needs to be said. Parents do not share some of their past experiences and mistakes with their children for whatever reason, friends withhold some of their deepest sentiments from some of their closest friends for fear of being rejected or disowned (so what exactly makes them your friend in the first place?), husbands and wives do not share their most meaningful feelings (joys and pains) and miss out on years of one anothers lives (and you wonder why it feels like you are living with a perfect stranger). It's not that you do not have anything in common anymore, it is because you have decided not to talk about it. Not to say much of anything to one another.
Somebody needs to ask forgiveness, someone needs to say where it hurts, somebody need to admit they are wrong, someone needs to let someone else know that they are not the only one going through what feels like hell at times. What power we have in speaking the words that need to be heard, that should be said to set others free, to release ourselves from the prison of pride and wondering...what change might have come about for the good of all if I would have just dared to SAY WHAT I NEEDED TO SAY.
And most importantly -- LET US SPEAK THE WORD OF GOD! Let's not shrink back when we know the opportunity is staring us in the face to give someone the only real answer there is to all of life's difficulities and hardships (Jesus Christ).(We should not remain silent, unless we are lead of the Spirit of God to do so in a particular circumstance.) And we are doing no one a service by only telling them of the promises of God and not the judgement of God as well. Read the end of verse 16. He says that if anyone does not believe will be condemned. (But it is so much easier to be the bearer of good news only.) We have a responsibility to tell the whole truth. Justice for all who believe and Judgement for all who do not.
If someone is sick and dying do not question whether or not you should obey God by laying hands on them or by praying for or with the person. You need not wait for someone else to tell you to go when Jesus already did! There is no need to pray about whether or not you should obey. Read Mark 16 beginning with verse 15 and keep on going. Jesus says, "GO INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH THE GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATURE...AND THESE SIGNS SHALL FOLLOW THOSE WHO BELIEVE: IN MY NAME THEY WILL CAST OUT DEMONS...THEY WILL LAY HANDS ON THE SICK, AND THEY WILL RECOVER." Please take note that He did not say go into all the world and do my word if you feel 'called,' 'anointed,' or that it is your ministry. He also did not specify that he was only talking to the people to go before the there were doctors, hospitals, and medicine. His word is the same yesterday, today, and forever.