Scary thing when the truth is staring us right in the face and somehow we still manage to miss the point. The blinders would fall off if we would spend more time in prayer and listening. Is the Kingdom of God within us? Then what are we looking for? We want to be like Jesus? Well, let's get to it! He was in constant communication with His Heavenly Father. He put His trust in what was written before time... (Psalm 119:89) "For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven." We get our cars tuned up and maintained every so often, homes have to be inspected after, before, and during their building process. I must examine myself. You need to examine yourself. As uncomfortable as it is to realize what your faith and trust is really in these days. Ask God to show you what you are not seeing. Each of us desperately need to go ahead and do a little inventory before the poo hits the fan. You do not have to watch the evening news to know that things are digressing by the day. Everyt...