When you least expect it words come through like sunshine on a rainy day. If only we would see life through heavens eyes...

I'm convinced that's why I was born into the family I was born into, have lived the life that God has given me, experienced troubles, trials, and victories, made the choices that I have, invested in certain few friendships over the years, and married the man that I did... by design. The pure, sweet, mercy and grace of God's perfect gifts enabling me to see life through heavens eyes.

More and more often I am running across folks who are telling me how lonely and unfulfilled they are in their relationships. One or the other person in the marriage or friendship is 'not really there.' Checked out. Clearly have other priorities. Some folks just decide to get used to it and politely distract themselves from the real issues instead of actually attempting to go where not many are comfortable going. Communicating. Being honest. Taking responsibility. Facing reality.

If you are not honest with yourself, most likely you will not be with others either. You might be playing games and possibly not even realizing it.  You will act on what you feel and you will feel what you think about.  Let me spell it out.  It is an either or situation any given day. Human beings make choices moment by moment every day. Each of us decide what is important and who and what is worth our time and efforts. If we dared to reflect back, some of us might notice that at times, our actions are screaming louder than our words. Our decisions will either be building or tearing down the people in our lives.

Here are some words and their opposites to remind us of what clearly is our choice hour by hour of each day. We CHOOSE to be willing or unwilling, confessing or denying, committed or neglecting, reality or escapism. secure/Insecure, All there or in fantasy land, Responsible/Irresponsible, mature/Immature, truth/lies, agreement/disagreement, trust/distrust, understanding/confusion, faith/fear, consideration/inconsiderate.

The Lord is patient and says to Let The Little Children come unto Him. God gives us our children or puts children in or around our lives to help us see life through heavens eyes, should we ever forget there is a such place. The Kingdom of heaven is such as these...

Children notice and realize what's going on parents. They are very gifted at saying it how it really is.  We are teaching our children by what we do and do not do in front of them. Please take time to acknowledge them. Do not speak to them in such a tone that makes them feel like a terrible bother or a horrible inconvenience. Children mirror everything they see and hear, including our unloving responses and attitutudes and lack of concern and care when it comes to interacting with our spouse and friends.

It's uncomfortable to admit it, but I wonder if our lives are helping the world to see life through Heavens eyes?


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