Thanksgiving and Christmas was always a big deal to Mom, and very important to her that we (her six kids) try (if at all possible) to come home for these two holidays and for our birthdays. It's important to come home, to realize where we are and where we've been, and where we are going.

Thinking about my Mom, who has now gone on to be with the Lord a few months ago, spurs me on to write.

I have been thinking about this generation coming home. Teenage girls and young adults. I wonder if you realize your worth and what you have. In every sense of the word. God has given you a gift, many gifts, and some of the gifts he has given you were meant to be given to 'a certain someone' who cherishes you, and protects and encourages all that God has put in you.

Distractions, main attractions, and satisfaction have been drawing us away from the truth, turning our eyes and attention to ourselves.

The truth is it is time to do our laundry. The pile is too high and it's stinking up the whole house. Our laundry is our responsibility. It is a compilation of our choices, our thoughts, our actions, and eventually what we PUT ON and wear every day of our lives. It's the picture we are projecting to the world, it's what we believe about ourselves, what we hang in our closets, and what we tuck away in our conscience that enlightens or disguises.

I've contemplated whose job it is to confront the younger ones, or the youth at church, or those who seem to be clueless. I cannot help but wonder IS ANYONE ELSE CONCERNED? Where are the parents? Why are they silent? Are Sunday school teachers, the youth pastors, the older women speaking up? Have we grown accustomed to our lustful society? Are we unwilling to say anything afraid we will cause an offense? Our compromise offends God.

Sometimes the Lord is whispering to us and we continually ignore the little warnings and keep on going. To our own hurt. When 12 and 13 year olds are getting pregnant and having babies in our youth groups I would say it's a sure sign it's time to break the silence. I was walking up to stand in line to partake of holy communion on Sunday, and I must have seen more cleavage walk past me in the sanctuary than I have ever seen at the mall on a busy weekend. Granted, some people may not realize their situation. Some do realize it and accentuate it, and contemplate the multiple ways they could get people to notice them.

It is an attitude of the heart. THE CLOTHES YOU WEAR and HOW YOU WEAR THEM says alot about what you truly believe. Ladies (of all ages and status), It is not cute to seduce men, single men, married men, men at church, men at work or school. Precious Women, If you are wanting to live for the glory of God I beg you to consider why you wear what you wear next time you get dressed. Before you dart out the door with skin tight jeans, super short shorts, low cut blouses, outfits that are clearly too small to provide coverage of certain body parts... seriously consider if you would like your son, or brother, or husband to be looking at another woman dressed like you. Are you an example of a Godly woman? How so? Do you turn eyes and attention towards God or do you spend the majority of your time, money, and resources investing in your outward appearance in hopes of gaining approval, affirmation, or some special status. Have you been neglecting your insides? Sometimes our human tendency is to overly compensate on the outwardly, because we have sorely neglected our inner core. (The temporary superficial will always attempt to take the place of the deeper genuine eternal.)

So many of us want to go deeper. Want to have close family connections. We want to want the things of heaven. Want to make the necessary changes. Want to walk as we should. Want to be healed. Feel the pull deep in our guts to call home, to make the effort, and get there. I'm telling you to listen to that little whisper, it is the strength of the Ancient of Days leading you in the way you should go. It is the pure in heart that will see God. COME HOME.


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