In Soccer there is a familiar term you hear on the field multiple times: MAN ON, MAN COMING. You pay close attention to your next move... who you are passing the ball to...and where the goal is in relation to where you are on the field.

DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE DONE UNTO YOU. Start with yourself. Have you failed? Forgive as your Heavenly Father has forgiven you.

Treat your children well. They will mirror your behavior when they grow up. They will treat others as they have seen you treat your husband or wife or children. They will either be examples of self controlled, gentle, kind human beings or they will be irrational, discontent, undisciplined, rude individuals. Your choices now make a huge difference in this world for generations to come. Please make the effort to make right decisions and prayerfully consider all that you do or do not do unto to others.

You want freedom and love and consideration in your relationships? Then BE YE KIND one to another. Give what you want to receive, starting at home, one day at a time. You want powerful faith that can heal the sick and transform lives? Do not argue. Do not Criticize. Choose Joy. Walk in Love. (Quoting what I heard from Uncle Leon.) It stuck in my mind and I hope it keeps on sticking there for a long long time. God help us all to remember MAN ON, MAN COMING... others are looking to us and copying the moves we make more than we might realize.


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