Stand to your feet or fall to your knees, The King is coming! We all have been called to preach the Word.  Temporary excuses keep us from focusing on the eternal. Somehow our intentions are like the roads that seem to always be ever 'under construction,' with signs flashing, EXPECT DELAYS.  Words are plentiful these days, actions are nil. We have everything we need to accomplish the work we have been sent here to do, but we are unable to complete the task at hand because we insist on relying on our own abilities to figure things out during the technical difficulties of every day life.

Then we wonder why we got problems. The Word of God is our solution. There is nothing else. No word that is more comforting, instructive, or more sure than the Word of the Lord. Nothing else is health to our bones and to all our flesh. He is the friend that sticks closer than a brother.  The Father that takes us up when our parents forsake us.  He knows every little detail about us, strengths and weaknesses, and still invites us to come and be with Him and find rest for our soul.

Feel far away? Too busy? Exhausted? Distracted? God has not walked away from you. God has not forsaken the work of His hands. We neglect Him, we forget Him, we turn our eyes away from Him. We exalt things and others above Him in our minds.  Our actions prove what we are truly seeking and living for.

Until we come to Him and learn of Him we live in a state of unrest, confusion, anxiety, doubt, and unbelief sway our decisions.  We cannot preach the Word unless we are willing to live it out first.  It must be our only source of truth. The proof of God's word in us is an attitude adjustment, a character corrector, an unrelenting determination to seek and find the One whom our soul loves. Nothing else should mean so much to us, but to know we have His approval...that we are pleasing Him.

Preach the Word by the way you live your life.


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