The bible talks about a wedding where Jesus is coming for a pure bride – US! To be set apart for that marriage is a special thing. Set apart from attitudes that try to define, and the fear, sin, depression, anxiety and lust that constantly try to overcome our person. It is possible to find a freedom in life that sets us apart and gives new hope. The bible calls that setting apart being sanctified.

We find today those who have asked Jesus into their life but still walk paths filled with, sin, depression, fear , anxiety and the lust of the flesh. Never learning of sanctification or being set apart for God. To be set apart means never returning to where you were. It is following a higher calling that introduces you to the destiny of God for your life. A second work of grace flowing from the first salvation.

A work of sanctification is both intimate and special. It releases from soul chains and brings a lasting freedom. A work of sanctification is no less than amazing, so why is it today that many do not understand how to walk sanctification in their life in practical ways. Falsely thinking sanctification means going to church.

The bible says

For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people."

17"Therefore come out from them

and be separate, says the Lord.

Touch no unclean thing,

and I will receive you."

18"I will be a Father to you,

and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.

1Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. 2Corinthians 6 &7

Another amazing verse says

23May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5

Sanctification is “through and through” every part of your person being set apart. Notice the verse goes in this order; spirit, soul, body. Correct sanctification begins in the spirit of a man during a meeting with God. From the spirit the soul is sanctified, and the body follows along in submission. Simply “walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the lust of the flesh”

So why does so much of the church struggle with carnality. Enjoying the party, booze, money and power more than anything else. They are carnal Christians who like to skate as close to the worldly passions as they can as they have never had a work of sanctification that has set them apart. Their religion works on their outside and tries to then move inside, the correct way is to allow the Holy Spirit to start on the inside and move out from there.

I am convinced many people struggle because they have never allowed a complete work of sanctification in their life. They have never tarried and gotten through in their releasing of the old ways. I meet so many woman for example who are chronic controllers, they hold their life and those around them as tightly as they can. What that says is they have never allowed a full work of sanctification. Or I see men who never step up and walk their destiny as they have never been set apart sufficiently so as to know their call in God. These people then attach to religious systems that can temporarily and artificially fill a void in their lives. They never hold pastors accountable and enjoy a fleshly church as it satisfies an old nature in them, one they have never been set apart from. So this sort of person sees no problem with alcohol, sees no problem with a little fling here and there, is totally OK with lewdness in the leaders. After all sanctification has never been a consideration.  (by Scott Russell)
So if you are hungry for the truth and longing to live a pure and holy life and desiring to take hold of all that is abundant life in Christ--- then this is your invitation to THE WEDDING. Prepare yourself. Do not let laziness or distractions keep you from filling your lamp full of oil. Be ready at midnight (or anytime) when the Bridegroom comes. Do not keep delaying. Do not listen to the lies that it doesn't really matter what you believe or if you know Him or not. It does matter. You matter...and that's why you are receiving this invitation. 
You are made for love. God is love. If you are living your life for yourself and thinking that you will fit Him in somewhere sometime someday (You are on the broad path my friend that leads to youKnowWhere). I beg you to step off. Answer Him when He calls. Walk the path that few follow. He has been calling your name and asking you to draw near for the longest time. How many times have you thought to yourself: "One day I will get around to it or eventually one day I will straighten up or get right or seek God." Love is a choice. One day at a time we choose Him or we choose something else. (by Marcie Mayo)


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