Drop the controller lady. You want things to change so badly, but everything you're doing is directly working against the change you would like to see happen in your relationship. Cause and effect. Stop analyzing his every little move, would you like to be cross examined every day of your life? After a while a person begins to feel accused, trapped, misunderstood, devalued, and run down. To top it off after making manipulating statements, moaning, complaining, whining and making him feel less than a human being, you proceed to speak ill of him to others (Dripping faucet). Maybe you forgot that you were created to be his helpmeet, not his taskmaster, supervisor, instructor, or advisor.
You do have a part to play. It is important that you have right perspective. Love must be your aim. Begin to focus on something else, something that will actually work, something that will make both of your lives better. If you poured half the energy you spent on being critical of him and turned it around and began to examine yourself and make some intentional changes yourself --- you would be amazed at the results
And then for those of you dear ladies that have been married for years and made a covenant before the Lord to love, honor, and cherish your husband in sickness and health... but through unchecked thoughts, influences of friends or television programs you have allowed your desire for career or position or accomplishment to supercede your love and loyalty to your husband WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU THINKING?! If you feel confused it's because you are. If you feel divided it's because you are.
The Word of God is clear what a woman's role is, what a wife's place is. A man's life is not supposed to be controlled by a woman. His life should be enriched by her. She was made for him... To do him good all the days of her life. "Doing him good" does not mean constantly thinking about what will make you happy or fulfilled or successful. It does not mean that you tell him the way he needs to go every waking moment of the day.
"For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man." I Corinthians 11:8-9
You do have a part to play. It is important that you have right perspective. Love must be your aim. Begin to focus on something else, something that will actually work, something that will make both of your lives better. If you poured half the energy you spent on being critical of him and turned it around and began to examine yourself and make some intentional changes yourself --- you would be amazed at the results
And then for those of you dear ladies that have been married for years and made a covenant before the Lord to love, honor, and cherish your husband in sickness and health... but through unchecked thoughts, influences of friends or television programs you have allowed your desire for career or position or accomplishment to supercede your love and loyalty to your husband WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU THINKING?! If you feel confused it's because you are. If you feel divided it's because you are.
The Word of God is clear what a woman's role is, what a wife's place is. A man's life is not supposed to be controlled by a woman. His life should be enriched by her. She was made for him... To do him good all the days of her life. "Doing him good" does not mean constantly thinking about what will make you happy or fulfilled or successful. It does not mean that you tell him the way he needs to go every waking moment of the day.
"For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man." I Corinthians 11:8-9