Heard a minister today speaking out of Psalm 38 about why God wants to get our attention. These were the reasons he spoke of: That we might see our true selves. Hear His voice and Choose His way. And then earlier tonight my sister and I were talking about the book of Job.  His friends felt compelled to continue opening their mouths throughout his suffering, attempting to persuade him to listen to them because they had alot to say concerning the 'Word of the Lord.' Turned out they were mistaken. Eloquent speech, lofty thoughts, and sounded like common sense...but the Lord is beyond our figuring out.

All will bow to Jesus and admit they know nothing as they ought. Our momentary suffering will serve His purposes, but let us not pretend to know or dare to describe His reasoning or impress our strong opinions and interpretations on others. Sometimes our actions prove us to be less than a friend and more than a fool. Lower yourself. Spare the suffering soul your know-it-all explanations, and leave it up to the Lord to reveal His motives and intent in a person's circumstances.

It would be to our benefit to turn back to the Lord according to Isaiah 44:22. (II Chronicles 30:9)

The world constantly promotes doing whatever you have to do to get higher and higher, Jesus goes lower and lower. Lower yourself. God resist the proud and gives grace to the humble. There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end leads in destruction. Here is your opportunity to make a change. Choose His way verses any other way. God's way is His word. Take a break from building or devoting your time and energy to your fantasy land, and see who you really are when you look into the mirror of God's word. He is reality.

When we wake up to reality we realize that many things are quite different than we thought. We have allowed so much to feed our thoughts that in our disobedience we have been disceived. Turns out God is not ok with alot of the stuff we're ok with. He is not politically correct, never has been. He calls it like it is. If you are unstable in all your ways it is because you are double-minded. Saying you believe one thing and in actuality doing the exact opposite. He is not interested in our services or personal performance, He wants us to want Him and to give Him all that we are... right now. Not when we look better or feel better or do better.

Come to God. Cry out to Jesus. Receive His mercy and help in your time of need. Admit that you have a need.


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