The beauty of the Lord is what we need to be thinking about and looking at and living for. We are so easily distracted. Focusing on the temporary, the futile, unimportant irritations of our flesh. Our minds get lost in the hurts and disappointments and without realizing it we are allowing it to disable us from walking as we should. We are called to endure as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

God is sovereign and does what He wants to do. He will have mercy on whom he will have mercy. He will harden who he wants to harden. It is not up to us to weigh or measure or judge who is or who is not saved. It would be good for us to spend our energy and time examining our own selves so that we will not be judged. So let's get off the throne. To his own master each person will stand or fall. God is able to make him stand. Though the righteous may fall seven times, He will get back up. Maybe not as fast as you think he should, but He will come back to the author and finisher of his faith and receive mercy and help in his time of need.

God is Holy. Man is sinful. God has sent His word to heal us. He is calling everyone everywhere to REPENT. Go into all the world and preach the good news of what He has done for us. Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. God has not left us without direction or comfort or counsel. He has given us His word, His spirit, and everything we need for life and godliness. We would do well to realize that we are not perfect, that indeed we have had misunderstandings and misperceptions before, and we have not arrived to the place that we ourselves never fall short or fail to some degree every single day.

God has called us to be ministers of reconciliation. How can we reconcile the world unto God if we ourselves are not reconciled one to another? Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up. Let us not compare ourselves one to another for in doing so we prove our foolishness. There is only one standard and it is JESUS CHRIST the RIGHTEOUS. No one compares or is anywhere close to him. He lead by example. He knelt down and washed His disciples feet and said, "HAPPY ARE YOU IF YOU DO THIS."

As we judge others so we ourselves will be judged according to the same measure. Put the telescopes and magnifying glasses away. Get the mirror out. If you realize something is off with someone or they are not walking as they should, your knees should be hitting the floor. Why allow your mind to ponder peoples mistakes unless it is solely for the purpose of praying for them?

A close friend of mine said if he were to find a piece of rotten fruit in the market place...he would not dare start yelling out and drawing attention to the rotten fruit and telling others to look what he's found. He would quietly go to the person in change of the produce section, and let them know discreetly that he found something that's no good, and it would get taken care of.

Do we not discern the lies of the enemy? To divide us from the inside out. If we are against one another or allow there to be unforgiveness or any reason or excuse that keeps us from communicating with one another it breeds division. DO GOOD AND COMMUNICATE FOR WITH SUCH SACRIFICES GOD IS WELL PLEASED. Hebrews 13:16  His blood was spilled for us all. He does not show favortism. We are all a work in progress. No one has arrived until they see Jesus face to face. We are called to love one another deeply from the heart.  Love our neighbor as ourself and love our enemies. DO GOOD to all for the love of God and the name of Jesus. Overcome evil with good.

Pain is definetely a factor. No getting around it. One thing is for sure. The one who went all the way to the cross for us, went to hell, and conquered death endured the full extent of pain and suffering. He was raised to life again and went to the Father where He is ever making intercession for us.  HE WILL COME one day soon. Since the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts, let us continue to lay aside and cast off the weights of sin, and everything that attempts to seperate us from Him. Forget what is behind and press on.

Let us forgive one another as God has forgiven us. Casting our sins as far as the east is from the west. He remembers them no more. The beauty of the Lord is that we could never deserve what He freely generously gives us. How could we ever withhold giving freely to others what He has given to us? Love lives to love and it is impossible for love to stop loving at anytime.


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