Have you ever noticed how driven and addicted our society is with tear jerkers, battle scenes, and happy-ever-after movies? Most of the reasons why it moves us so is because it provokes us to feel things we do not allow ourselves to feel in real life. But real life is pain, sadness, redemption, restoration, constant ups and downs, and the end is not yet, but is coming soon.
It's time to tell the truth. Be truthful with yourself. All things are already layed bare and open before the eyes of Him who knows all things. If you want change to come and you desire to be who God has made you to be - it's time to be free of the lies and doubts and insecurities. Stop being carried about by every wind. Are people's opinions directing your life? Who or what has pursuaded thus far? It's time to leave the excuses in the dust. Do not try to escape the pain. Run to Jesus. Cry out to Him. Tell Him where you are hurting. Tell Him the things you do not understand. Ask for heavenly perspective.
If you have a feeling in your guts that something's off, it probably is. Be honest. Do not keep going into the dark, further and further until you cannot even see a hint of light. Call on Jesus. Don't wait until you think your circumstances are bad enough that you need a Saviour. If you do not think you need help and you think you're doing pretty good going your own way... you need help. There is not one person who does what is right according to the Word of God. So we all need Him. Every one of us is lost until we choose to receive His grace and mercy and love.
This life is just a moment. Only one knows all of our days...they are written in his book. Are you choosing to answer God or are you ignoring him day after day? This is urgent! Be honest with yourself. Now is a good time to make your choice, not later.
Jesus called the crowd to him and said, "Listen and understand." Matthew 15:10
It's time to tell the truth. Be truthful with yourself. All things are already layed bare and open before the eyes of Him who knows all things. If you want change to come and you desire to be who God has made you to be - it's time to be free of the lies and doubts and insecurities. Stop being carried about by every wind. Are people's opinions directing your life? Who or what has pursuaded thus far? It's time to leave the excuses in the dust. Do not try to escape the pain. Run to Jesus. Cry out to Him. Tell Him where you are hurting. Tell Him the things you do not understand. Ask for heavenly perspective.
If you have a feeling in your guts that something's off, it probably is. Be honest. Do not keep going into the dark, further and further until you cannot even see a hint of light. Call on Jesus. Don't wait until you think your circumstances are bad enough that you need a Saviour. If you do not think you need help and you think you're doing pretty good going your own way... you need help. There is not one person who does what is right according to the Word of God. So we all need Him. Every one of us is lost until we choose to receive His grace and mercy and love.
This life is just a moment. Only one knows all of our days...they are written in his book. Are you choosing to answer God or are you ignoring him day after day? This is urgent! Be honest with yourself. Now is a good time to make your choice, not later.
Jesus called the crowd to him and said, "Listen and understand." Matthew 15:10