PrayerLESSness is an epidimic. Most of us who have prayed and believed and seen amazing answer come from our small efforts know good and well that the more we pray the stronger our immune systems get against laziness and unbelief.
There is something different about us when we follow through and do what we know we should do and what we want to do deep down, and we were made to worship and commune with our Creator. When we neglect our times of prayer and worship our countenances reflect that and the world around us feels the effects of it.
Romans 12 speaks about THIS IS HOW WE CAN TEST AND APPROVE AND KNOW WHAT THE PERFECT PLEASING WILL OF GOD IS. By renewing our minds and allowing it to transform us. This is how we guard against being barren and unfruitful. This is how we stand against temptation. We are enabled to walk and live out of the truth that sets us free when we pick up our sword and let the high praises of God be in our mouths. This simple act empowers us to do what is impossible in ourselves (TO LOVE). Knowing good and well FAITH without action is worthless, we should make time to act on what we say we believe. PRAYER WORKS. So let's take time to pray for one another and pray about all things.
Let's show some determination to make JESUS name known. Let's declare the works of our God and King as long as we have breath in our bodies. Let's disarm darkness by loving one another truly, deeply, from the heart. Let's overthrow the gates of hell and snatch people from the flames by staying in agreement and locking arms in prayer. Let's do more than know good and well, let's do the work of Him who has called us by His name and has given us all power and authority.
There is something different about us when we follow through and do what we know we should do and what we want to do deep down, and we were made to worship and commune with our Creator. When we neglect our times of prayer and worship our countenances reflect that and the world around us feels the effects of it.
Romans 12 speaks about THIS IS HOW WE CAN TEST AND APPROVE AND KNOW WHAT THE PERFECT PLEASING WILL OF GOD IS. By renewing our minds and allowing it to transform us. This is how we guard against being barren and unfruitful. This is how we stand against temptation. We are enabled to walk and live out of the truth that sets us free when we pick up our sword and let the high praises of God be in our mouths. This simple act empowers us to do what is impossible in ourselves (TO LOVE). Knowing good and well FAITH without action is worthless, we should make time to act on what we say we believe. PRAYER WORKS. So let's take time to pray for one another and pray about all things.
Let's show some determination to make JESUS name known. Let's declare the works of our God and King as long as we have breath in our bodies. Let's disarm darkness by loving one another truly, deeply, from the heart. Let's overthrow the gates of hell and snatch people from the flames by staying in agreement and locking arms in prayer. Let's do more than know good and well, let's do the work of Him who has called us by His name and has given us all power and authority.