Preparation is a MUST. One day you are here and the next you are not. We do not know what tomorrow might bring. Everything we are or are not doing effects others now and in the days to come. We would do well to remember the benefits listed in Psalm 103.

The events of a single day are continually changing. One minute the sun is shining brighter than it ever has and then within that same hour we look up and heavy thick clouds are rolling in unexpectedly. Later on you go for a walk and step in poo, and at the end of your exercise time you are standing down-wind of the honeysuckle bushes. One morning you might be contemplating an idea or possibility, next thing you know you are living smack dab in the reality of that dream coming true.  The fulfillment of it had nothing to with your abilities or lack thereof, but everything to do with the faithfulness of the One who created you and has given you everything you need for life and godliness.

We can prepare for the unexpected by not wasting time concerning ourselves with matters that are too great for us to comprehend.  Our number one priority needs to be to know God and to make Him known. To glorify His name in this earth and to love those deeply that he has put in our lives. Fretting and worrying and being anxious or fearful is a big waste of time. We could avoid alot of the yuck feelings that come by way of an un-renewed mind, if we would more frequently call on Jesus' name and realize that He is wanting to lighten our load by loading us with ALL His benefits daily. (Psalm 103)


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