If you are living and breathing on planet earth, you can be sure that there's a few things you are unaware of. The unseen is just as real as what we can see. Throughout scripture we are warned of possible dangers, and how not to step any where near the path of destruction. So I thought I'd mention a subject that appears to be somewhat overlooked.

I want to encourage you to never stop pouring out your life and resources on behalf of others no matter what.  At the same time I would like to encourage you to open your eyes and watch out for the big holes that others have fallen into. Well meaning, good intentions, went south quickly, by putting themselves in a compromising position they are now behind steel bars.

Your choices will cost you something. Be discerning. Be wise. Youth Leaders or Youth Pastors most likely trying to provide emotional or spiritual support in the lives of those who are desperately in need of parental guidance where there has been none... have fallen into possible dangers. Call it lack of discernment, call it being deceived, or midlife identity crisis. The lines get fuzzy, confusion comes in, and next thing you know the person that was supposed to be leading the young person to the Lord has been lead out of the way themselves by seducing spirits.

One of the biggest traps THE LUST OF THE FLESH, THE LUST OF THE EYES, AND THE PRIDE OF LIFE. (I John 2:15-17)

If you are spending time in prayer and daily renewing your mind in the word you will be ready to withstand temptation. If you are married communicate with one another consistently, counsel and pray with the youth together. If you are single or married be aware of the dangers of not considering how your words and actions could be taken or mistaken. I pray the Lord gives you wisdom and that your actions prove you are operating in His power and unfailing love. I pray that young lives are cared for and counseled and cherished.  I pray that each of you would be kept in the truth and free from any possible dangers of compromising, or causing the Word of God to be blasphemed.


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