He's more than a friend. We are absolutely emotionally involved. He has revealed himself to me in our years of friendship, and even though he has alot going on he still takes time to share his thoughts and listen to mine. Every time we talk I am overjoyed to see how much more there is to know about him, and the more he shares, the more I realize what is hidden in my own heart. I have gone through so many different seasons and he has remained patient all along. Initiating questions that bring the answers to prayers from long ago. He is familiar with all my ways, and even when I was in denial of my feelings towards him, he calls me 'beautiful.'

There is no half-n-half when it comes to relationships. There is either communications or there is not. There is intimacy or there is none. There is understanding or there is not. Agreement or disagreement. Clarity or confusion. And the list of either or's could continue on forever. Determine to make up your mind and lay down your life if you are going to live love and deepen your relationship from this day forward.

Human friendship cannot succeed with half-hearted efforts, and I can promise you that if you are behaving in a similiar way in your relationship with the Saviour of the world --- most likely you do not have a relationship with Him either. A friendship takes investing your time and thought and taking action on what you say you believe, otherwise, it's just words.

I'm so thankful that there is grace and freedom to fail before God and no rejection or condemnation or manipulation involved. Love does not think of itself. He does not withdraw himself, he gives himself completely regardless of the response given to his invitation. That kind of selflessness provokes a deeper loving response.


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