Precious Treasure of God:
I pray these words meet your heart like a much needed embrace. May you realize the deep riches of God’s love for you in the midst of your daily struggles, and be unafraid to fall apart at the feet of love. Victory is the end of each of our stories, if we will just be still and trust the One who made us…the only One who can save us, and keep us from falling, and present us blameless before the Father. No matter what you are passing through the Lord is able to deliver and sustain you. He really is more than enough.

This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. Psalm 34:6

Last winter I dedicated my time to writing a book. Sitting on the floor of my friend’s kitchen in Missouri one night, the idea of LET ME LOVE YOU (as long as time endures) came to me as we were sharing our hearts. In a few chapters there are some confessions that might dash some people’s ideas of the person they think I am or am not. Either way, I pray that it moves many to true repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation, and away from false hopes, compromise, and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life.

The last few chapters are all testimonies of what happens when you dare to believe that God speaks and watches over His word to perform it. When Jesus said, “Take no thought for your life…” it was because He wants you to rely on Him to be your provider. He is the one who causes you and I to profit, and he is not impressed with the schemes we try to come up with trying to make it all work. Our lives need to be proving to the world that His word is true and that God is able and willing to make all grace abound toward us, enabling us to do His will in the earth. He has met my every need through all sorts of circumstances, whether I am traveling or sitting still. I am depending on His promises. As I believe God’s word is powerfully accomplishing everything God said that it would; I have plenty of testimonies to tell of His great faithfulness. The end of the book sums it all up… FAITH REST - HOPE BELIEVES - LOVE TRUST. Look forward to sharing it with you when my editor and I talk things through, when it’s all said and done…I’ll send a signal that the coast is clear for you to go to your local bookstore and pick up a copy.

Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.
He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.
Psalm 91:14-15

Spring came around --- I spent March through the middle of May in Lake City, Colorado at Camp Redcloud. I earnestly believe the Lord takes us places or through seasons that are nothing like what we expect it to be. Just to empty us out, prepare us for letting go, and to enable us to be filled up with the reality that is hidden in Christ. . . love that compels us to forget what is behind and go forward.

There is nothing like being in a small community of people day and night, to see what you are really made of. It will cause you to press into the Kingdom or collapse in fear of the unknown. Not knowing what is ahead can be uncomfortable, but it presents such opportunity to identify what is stirring in our guts, and realize that it is our choice to allow fear, anxiety, or the peace of God to rule in our hearts.

I was able to have some really good reflection time when I felt most overwhelmed. Praying with others helped alot. I was utterly blessed by each one of the staff and their families, their attitudes, their ways of training, encouraging, dealing with conflicts, sharing their hearts transparently, and seeking to improve in any areas possible for the glory of God and the good of those around them.

I am convinced without continual prayer and praying in agreement, we will absolutely be blinded and unable to see the opportunities to live love, even when they are staring us in the face. It is possible for imperfect people to keep calling on Jesus and impact their community, and be changed personally in ways they never imagined. I was thankful to see the outcome of so much answered prayer by the time I left Colorado.

So I thought I was in Colorado to learn more about how to teach Outdoor Education, and I did. I learned so much from the public school fifth graders. There were scheduled activities back to back, and most all the activities revealed the character of the children and their leaders, weaknesses and strengths. Any amount of difficulty that a person is willing to walk through has the potential to strengthen and help the individual somewhere down the road. Alot can be accomplished in a little bit of time, if we are surrendering ourselves and asking the Lord to have His way in us and in all that we say and do. There were plenty of opportunities to speak into their lives, and by the end of their short time with us at the camp --- I personally was told by a few of the children, “I wish I could live here.”

In a way I think that is how we all are. When we are in the presence of love …you just do not want to leave. It is a rare find to have someone that is truly engaged in listening, caring, and comprehending what is being shared. To have someone ask you questions that pulls out of your heart what you did not even realize was there…it is overwhelmingly freeing. And then to be around someone that make it their mission to lay down their life for you --- it is difficult to have to say goodbye to that. Instead you want to be exactly like that person. Love liberates what is bound, heals what is broken, encourages the discouraged, speaks life over the dry bones, and restores the whole person.

But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.
When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.
For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee.
Isaiah 43:1-3

Standing in the dining hall washing dishes (still at camp btw) I suddenly realized a lot of things had become very clear to me. Some of the thoughts and aspirations that had become exalted in my mind over the past few years had become so small in my eyes…must have gone down the drain with the dish water. Maybe it had gotten lost on one of the trails I had been riding. Could have melted with the snow or been burned up from standing too close to the fire. Either way, it was gone. And I was glad.

I think we could all stand to be reminded at least a hundred times a day ---- true fulfillment is only found in Jesus. He is and must be the reason for why I do anything and everything. While my desires may change, the source of my desire remains unchanged.

Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. John 6:35

If our desire is to walk in His ways, to come to Him, and we make a mistake (even in desiring or not discerning the motive of our desires when they are right or wrong) during our journey…God will cause even our mistakes to be a blessing in our lives as we call on His name. He is that big. So I keep praying and trusting and seeing the faithfulness of God purifying, purging, and burning away what is unprofitable to myself --- and of no benefit to the body of Christ. Surely you realize the Lord is doing the same in you. It is impossible to seek God and not be changed. His presence is order and right perspective, and love that changes everything.

I came home the third week in May from Colorado. Considering the hardship mom was going through financially, I wanted to help her out. I prayed to the Lord for paying jobs and He supplied plenty of work. I had been home for one month when one night I was coming home from a job, and was hit head on by an SUV. Unconscious on impact, I have no memory of what actually happened during the collision. When I was losing consciousness, I remember hearing what I thought was my last breath, and not being able to see, hear, or speak. I can remember faintly communicating with the Lord in my spirit, asking Him to help me and help my mom. Woke up minutes later a bloody mess; unable to move, but tears coming from my eyes realizing that God had given me life again.

Trust ushers in peace. I clearly understood that the Lord was holding me. His perfect love casts out all fear.
Challenges or changes seem to provoke me to thought. An allegory came to my mind after the accident. The body of Christ is unconscious on impact at times. Unless we cry out to God to help us even if it’s just in a whisper…we will remain asleep and unaware of what is actually happening in this life. The Lord hears and answers and breathes upon us and gives us life again. Tears are just a natural reaction to pain. Pain is a temporary tool that can assist us in searching our hearts, and help us take into account what really matters. What really matters it that we live a lifestyle of the kindness of God that leads to repentance…waking up…thankfulness…joy...peace...in the midst of suffering.

Had surgery on my left knee and shoulder; was released after two days in the hospital, felt a mixture of numbness and at times some intense amounts of pain. It is hard to put in words what it feels like to go from constant movement and activity to laying on your back and barely being able to move. We are helpless unless He helps us. The Lord speaks a better word (as a dear friend prayed over me). His word is life to those that find it and health to all of our flesh. (Proverbs 4:22)

How good it was to be visited by my friends who prayed for me and spoke life over me. Someone would call right when I would start to forget what is important. I was encouraged to keep giving thanks and align my thoughts with the truth of God’s word. The end result helps to focus on…the Lord is glorified. He is the restorer of what is broken. This last six months has been a great time of reflection and thankfulness and time with my family. Every day is preparation for the days ahead, a good reminder to take suffering patiently. To understand it is God alone who is our source and meets our needs. He has faithfully supplied everything for my mom, my family, and anything I needed to assist me during recovery.

Throughout the summer after the accident friends of mine would ask me what exactly was the Lord showing me through the whole experience. I would try to describe as best I could what I was learning, but the truth is it is much easier to look back after something is over and see the meaning of it all. It is still not over. The Lord is taking care of all the details and I am standing still and seeing the glory of God. I will be glad to report to you the rest when the good news arrives. For now, I will just say that my hope is in God and not in man. I can do all things through Christ Jesus my strength. The scars will only be reminders to me of God’s love and mercy.

Once I was able to get up and around, started physical therapy twice a week, I also volunteered at a local coffee shop for a few months. I saw some older women painting one day and it gave me the idea to go get some pieces of wood and some paint brushes, and I started to paint. With the idea in mind from Deuteronomy to write the word of God on your doorpost, your barn doors, and talk about it with your children as you walk along the way. I was thinking that not too many people have the time or money to go to the Christian bookstore or to make their own paintings. The sweet lady at the coffee shop suggested that I bring my art up there to display it. I mostly gave them away in hopes of blessing people that did not have money. About 4o pieces out of 100 were sold for donations, the donations went to people who were having a hard time paying their bills. The generosity of the Lord to add to me another gift and then the resources to freely give it away, I am very thankful. Just a friendly little reminder not to sit on your gifts and talents and desires. The Lord can show you what He wants you to do if you are interested in asking Him. Do not neglect your gift.

“He shows mercy from generation to generation
to all who fear him. “
Luke 1:50

Every hardship, difficulty, & struggle in this life is an invitation to receive God’s mercy. Day after day we will face the unexpected, but great is our peace when we learn to rely on and intimately know the PRINCE OF PEACE, KING OF KINGS, WONDERFUL, COUNSELOR, MIGHTY GOD, EVERLASTING FATHER.

The Saints of old would worship the Lord, and the Lord would fight their battles for them. The zeal of the Lord of Hosts would accomplish their warfare. They would inquire of the Lord and await His instructions. When they obeyed His word, all would go well with them. When they disobeyed His word, they would reap the consequences (nothing pretty). Jesus said that in this world we will have tribulation, but take heart HE HAS OVERCOME the world.

I pray that you & I will worship the Lord and take to heart His word. By doing so, we will make knowing Him and making Him known our priority in these last days. All that we are looking for is found in Him. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Nothing is more important than pursuing the heart of the one we love. His heart is for the lost, the broken down, the prisoner, the orphan and widow, the wayward, and the too busy to see which way is up. Thank God He loved us first. And this is how we overcome…by reminding ourselves of the truth, telling others what God has done for us along the way. Through good and bad, He is faithful to the very end.

Ps 103


May we call upon Jesus name more now than ever.
This is my prayer as I come to the end of 2009...
Shine Jesus shine through your people~



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