On the road to discovering that the victorious end is in sight for those of us whose hope is in the living God and His unfailing love.
Communicating with a faithful friend or two over the last few years has made me to realize the depths of God's love like never before. It is not our performance that He is interested in. His measure is not our measure. There is no charting His affections. No measure can comprehend or describe Him. He prefers to really know us. He desires that we truly know Him. Since He knows all things there is no need for us to inform Him, but He likes to hear our voice and see our face and share His heart and be there when we discover what has been hiding in the depths of our own hearts for so long (we can be so blind). Communicating is a big part of our relationship. Fellowship. Intimacy. Listening. Responding. Giving and receiving. Pure friendship.
Though I'm beginning to think He wants a little more than just 'friendship.' He wants to be more than friends. He desires that we be absolutely certain of who we are to Him and where He stands in relation to His love for us being stronger than death. He's paying for everything. No kidding. He insist on preferring each of us above Himself! He does more than just remember to open doors and give us a hand...He personally delivers and makes good every one of His promises.
I am deeply encourage to share with you --- He is always praying for us. When you and I do not feel we have a prayer to pray, our hope remains. God is faithful! He is all that His love letters prove He is and more! He is our salvation, our strength, and reason to rejoice! We can trust in His goodness that does not disappoint!
The Lord is restoring His little ones. "BLESSED ARE THE EYES WHO HAVE NOT SEEN AND YET BELIEVE." Believe...believe...believe! You are blessed! The things that we have prayed about for so long and have waited and hoped and desperately believed for the lost to come home and the sick to be healed...the answers to our prayers are not far --- it is true. God is very near you. His Word is in your mouth and in your heart. SEEK HIM. Trust in Him alone, not in flesh. Only God is faitful to deliver and mighty strong to save! Seek Him. Victory belongs to the Lord!