Mmm this is a sore subject that many probably would like to avoid. Plenty of avoiding the issues are going on these days, so I'm going to address it and possibly give some of you a bloody nose.

MEN - Let's talk about what we are not talking about. Those who claim to be Chrisians, followers of Christ, husbands and fathers who have allowed hateful, cruel, and worthless things to come out of your mouth. Destroying the very ones you were created to protect and cherish. Shut the hell up! There is no excuse for your behaviour, your lack of self control, your filthy cowardess self righteousness.
Giving place to the devil by stabbing your own flesh and blood. Assaulting your wife, sons, and daughters with arrogance and pride and sickness of self. The ungodly treat their families with more gentleness and compassion than you. You wonder why your prayers are not answered, but you have not the slightest bit of remorse for your harsh dealings and ill treatment with your covenant partner. The earth can barely hold up under the sadness of your absolute selfishness, unconcerned with the neglect of your wife and her being unloved. Imagine what your children are gaining from all of this.

Your life proves you do not love God. If you did, you would obey His word and lay down your life and stop thinking about you. You would shut your mouth and start living the example that you want to be lived out by your wife and children and those around you. Afterall their following your lead. Look where you are leading them to. Watch where you're going. REPENT while you still have the chance. Turn from your evil ways and do good. Ask forgiveness for being a jackass and don't go that way again. Amen.

If the word of God is not hidden in your heart and you are not renewing your mind daily, most likely something else has a strong hold on you and out of the overflow of your heart...your mouth speaks.

You are commanded by God to get rid of, to rid yourself of anger, bitterness, resentment, and filthy language. Do not let it come out of your mouth. So get it out of your heart. What you think about you, you are. Purpose to think on things that are noble, pure, of good report.

If you are not one of these people, but instead are a witness to someone who acts in a way that is out of control, or that is abusive, the very least you should do is commit this person and their family to prayer.

"Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy." Psalm 82:3

"He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" Micah 6:8


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