VANITY. Plagues the world. Every age group. The other day I was driving down the road listening to a radio program that was giving the stats on how much money people spend on cosmetics and hair styling products and haircuts. As if that was not disturbing enough, they began talking about how much money is spent on girls under 13 years old on the same thing. Due to sixty second commercials that these little ones and all of the public view, they are impacted enough to go and spend and spend some more to try to become more beautiful or more desirable or more something.

ENTERTAINMENT. Unless you live in the mountains (and one day, Lord willing I will) entertainment means constant television, video games, hand held devices, and distractions of all kinds. If we were to take a step back and look at our lives and how we spend our time, it is very sad. Screens and programs replace the people in our lives. Genuine conversation is rare. If ever we do spend time with people it is talking about the shows we watch instead of what is really in our hearts. It's not cool, it's superficial. We do not seek God or have a prayer life of anykind because we do not have time. In observation, how do you think others see Jesus exalted in your time, your life, your relationships? Or is entertainment a priority?

I can only hope and pray that no person takes any of the material in these blogs as ammunition for contentions or debate. The articles that I write are merely concerns and observations, meant to challenge and encourage individuals to consider and pay attention to the truth and bring the Word of God front and center. Please examine yourself according to the truth, and do not condemn others or yourself as we have all fallen short. At the same time, do not just hear the Word of God and then make a mere accessessment that change might be necessary. Do something. Do not fail to take some positive action in the right direction. Address the issues in your life and do not wait for others to call you out on something (they may never). How we spend our time and money and energy lets the world know very clearly where we stand in our beliefs regardless of what our words are saying.

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:24

BY THE WAY --- Ladies I encourage you to take care of yourselves and the temple that belongs to the Lord. It is possible to dress modestly and attractively at the same time. Everyone, I do realize that many of you are awake or beginning to wake up to the dangers of not daily renewing your minds. Be encouraged to take the time or make the time, because in the end what will matters is: KNOWING HIM.


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