I say, 'stepping on my own toes,' because you are a part of me whether you are happy about that or not. Likewise, if Jesus is your Lord and Saviour then you are my brother or sister. You and I are THE BODY OF CHRIST. We are all members one of another. We cannot say to one member, "I have no need of you." (I Corinthians 12:21) The body needs every part of itself to be willing to defend and heal itself as a whole. One part without the other just does not make any sense. It would cripple or disable itself, by not operating as it should. If one part is hurting the others parts rush in and supply what is lacking. Whether that be nutrients, rest, blood, healing balm, or a covering until it scabs or mends itself in time. Without each other we are blind, deaf, dumb, or paralyzed.

What is the greatest thing in the world? Not faith that can move mountains. Not hope that is willing to win souls. Not generosity that gives all it has to the poor. (obviously all these things are good) Not miracle working power. Not the gift of tongues. Not spiritual gifts. Not boldness that confronts compromise and slackers. Not spiritual ferver or burning hot zeal. It is not having alot of money or possessing the biggest title. It is not fighting wars or taking a mission position. All these things are well and good, but it is nothing compared to true, selfless, LOVE.

LOVE does not consider what it can have or get. It does not think of itself. It does what it does simply for the good of others. It does not give with the intention of receiving an award, recognition, or return payment. It does not show off, brag, or boast. Love esteems others higher. Prefers others first. It bears all things, including offenses, shortcomings, failings, faults, personality conflicts, character flaws, differences in opinion, weaknesses and blemishes of the flesh. It is not rude nor does it turn a cold shoulder on those who do not measure up to the personal or comprehensive standard. It continues to hope all things even when it seems all hope is lost. It believes all things regardless of what it looks like or seems like. Love does not fail.

I am learning as I go along, reflecting, writing, and praying. Not everything I have said or done in days past has been with the pure motive of love. It saddens me to know that I have caused hurt, discomfort, and pain from my own short-sighted arrogance and lack of discernment. For that I repent to you my brothers and sisters. I give all thanks to God for your healing and mine. Daily He has washed me from wrong mindsets and has faithfully dug about and fertilized me that I would bear much fruit, and I am certain this is true for you as well.

So it is good to have gifts, knowledge, ability and skills, but possessing these things with Love IS THE MORE EXCELLENT WAY.


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