You have those days you need to fall apart, to lean against His heart and wait. God knows you are falling down, wanting to be free of every doubt. Just keep waiting. Healing will come. So it's okay to say how you are really doing. I mean what would you do if you stopped putting on a show? Then everybody would know that everything is not alright. No need to think you are being negative just because you are being truthful. I am especially talking to the married folks out there that are having a difficult time living with themselves or their spouse. Giving up is not an option. Take your eyes off yourself so that you can continue to love like you promised to.

To those who are not married yet, but are contemplating the possibilities and are involved in an unhealthy relationship or an ungodly relationship. I suggest you take a walk, a long one. Take some time away to listen to God and to pray and hear clearly before you proceed with all your future plans. Love is a choice. It is not pushy, manipulative, or overbearing. Being seduced is not being loved. (In case you felt a little confused about that.)

..."But those who marry will face many troubles in this life.." I Corinthians 7:28

Contrary to the imaginery world that many live in due to television and hollywood movies - marriage is not a predictable drama. It is not a promise of happiness. If you got married in hopes of bettering your life, having lots of money, or to gain a certificate of award, maybe you were looking more for an acting career or for a position in the military. If anything, marriage is the most direct route to becoming more Christlike than you ever dreamed. "There is no greater love than this: that a man lay down his life for his friend." "Except for a seed fall to the ground and die it cannot bring forth new life."

Remember your commitment. Remember your vows before God and man. Remember that you knew that things would not always remain, everything is subject to change. Feelings come and go. Physically people mature and change. Spiritually people grow or sometimes become stagnant. Financially become rich or poor. None of this should matter except serve to make you more thankful because you have learned how to be content with a little or alot, in good times and bad. You must make up your mind that no matter what --- you will overcome and never walk out. "LOVE ONE ANOTHER..." is not based on feelings, circumstances, or if you think it is a good idea. God loves you, now you love with His love, and His love will never fail (you both).

If you will dare to fall apart, stop attempting to meet your own wants and needs and think of the other person more than yourself, you will see that the truth is healing and life itself. Cling to God's word, you need it more than you realize. Those who gaze into it will be beautiful and "their faces will never be covered with shame." Palms 34:5 Put your trust in the Lord and not in what someone else can do for you. Ladies, God knows you need to hear that you are beautiful. Men, God knows that you need respect and honor. If you are not getting that from your spouse, please do not go shopping for a new mate. That is not the answer. This is your opportunity to look in the mirror, get that thing out of your eye, stop pointing fingers, placing blame, and speculating. Be thankful your prayers are answered...God will use this to make you more like Him.


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